Welcome to Cheddars Clubs & Societies !

'Cheddar Swimming Club was established in the summer 2000 and aims to provide the children of the local Cheddar community the opportunity of competition swimming with clubs from the surrounding areas. 



The Phoenix youth Club is now well and truly established. It is affiliated to Young Somerset, formally The National association of Boys Clubs. We now have over 40 members and open every Friday from 7pm until 10pm. The ages we cater for are from 13 to 18 although the majority of the members are 13-15. As we progress we intend to offer a range of activities from craft events to day trips and week ends away. We are still in our infancy so we welcome sponsorship of any kind from financial support to donations of equipment. We are situated in the Barn next to the White Hart in The Bays Cheddar.

To sustain the club we charge a moderate £1 membership and then 50p per week subs. 

All teenagers are welcome to come along and what we can offer.

The Danzatak Youth Dance Company

We are affiliated to the Kings of Wessex Community School.  We accept young people with dance experience or potential from 12 to 18.  We meet at the Leisure Centre Dance Studio on Thursdays during term time from 16:30 to 18:30.  The contact phone number is .  

It would be nice for other young people than only those who attend KOW or its feeder schools to have this opportunity for a serious arts experience at a cheap price( currently £15 a term subs -23/12/2000). 


After final closure in 1965 of the Yatton–Wells railway, known as the Strawberry Line, local residents used parts of the route of the branch line from Cheddar to Yatton as unofficial walks. In 1987 they formed the Cheddar Valley Railway Walk Society which persuaded the district councils to buy much of the line and lease it to the Society as a walk and nature reserve.

New members of the Society are extremely welcome. Members of the Society receive a regular newsletter giving them news of the route and activities connected with it; these include guided walks, talks and fundraising events. Volunteer working parties are organised to help keep the route clear and do minor maintenance or conservation work. Members have the final say in the Society’s policy towards development of the route. 

Avon Wildlife Trust

Forest of Avon

Mendip Hills AONB

Somerset Wildlife Trust

The Wildlife Trusts

If you wish a link to be added to your club or society or would like information posted here, please email me with the details.


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