ADVERTISE ON THE WEB ? Dear Fellow Trader, Cheddar now has its own Web Site, and it is now live. The web site is run by the Cheddar Trade Association. You can only advertise on these pages if your business is in Cheddar. Q. How do I advertise on the web? A. Join The Cheddar Trade Association for £20 per annum and get a free listing in the A.. Z section. Visitors to the web site can then print out an A to Z guide of businesses, activities, shops and services that cheddar offers. Q. Can I get a link from cheddar’s web page to my own ? A. For a further £10 we will add a link to your own website. Q. I haven’t got my own website, can I have an advert ? A. For a further £20 we will design you a web page of your own, just provide a leaflet or previous advert with a maximum of one graphic. Q. I already have a website, so do I need an advert ? A. No its up to you, however a visitor to the cheddar web page is looking at cheddar and the surrounding area so to maximise impact I would suggest an advert as well. Q. What do the charges get spent on ? A. Several commercial companies were approached to develop and maintain the cheddar somerset web page. Paul Pimlott at The Gorge Bear Co. offered to develop and maintain the web site free of charge for the cheddar traders in order that The Cheddar Trade Association could have a source of revenue to help develop ideas and businesses in cheddar. The first being the late night shopping event in December. Come to the Trade Associations meetings and be part of the decisions. Q. What do I next ? A. Decide what you want to do, provide details to Paul c/o The Gorge Bear Company, with cheques made payable to The Cheddar Trade Association. Receipts will be sent out in due course. On behalf of The Cheddar Trade Association Paul Pimlott
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